Wooh! Finally i'm 18!
Went to watch this movie with kel and alvin at nex mall during my birthday(:
At first, kel didn't want to watch it because he thought it will be a waste of money
But alvin was so hyper up for this movie
Then the final decision came down to me, because i'm the birthday boy
I didn't choose this movie in the first place
Is the time who choose this movie
Because this is the only movie that suits the timing that we wanted
And what did u get from a thai horror movie
-Scaring sound effect
-Bo liao
Not even scary at all
Like errr... What was that?
For this movie maybe a no for me?
Kel was looking for the storyline in this movie
While alvin was looking for the scary part in the movie
As for me, pei them watch, no comment
In the end, disappointed all of us...
Anyway bought my 4D ticket yesterday with ck
It's so exciting, althought i only buy a small amount
But the process is fun(:
I talked to her the whole day that time...
hmmm, i wondered why?
And if it's possible...
Maybe i should stop thinking so much and let my brain rest
Just gonna to get a job first
Yesterday, i have already spent a bomb
Gosh, see the amount in my bank account dropping
Hurts my heart a lot
I think i should leave my credit card at home
So i wouldn't keep redrawing more money...
Went Queenstown to eat meatballs with JY and B
The fact is, the meatballs are normal...
No special about thems, but quite worth it if it's 4 bucks
Then keep walking around looking at furnitures
Super de waste of time
Shouldn't haven promise JY to go eat meatballs
KNS, i might as well rest at home
After looking at those retarted furniture, went to town
Actually i wanted to return home de, but got drag back by jy
Chicken Nugget! I'm super bo mood to go out le
Plus my bus card no money
But in the end, i still went...
However, at there the mood slightly increases
Maybe i got something to do?
HAHAHA! But return home late!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hate returing home late!
Money fly T.T
Need more money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!