"I am number four..."
HAHAHA! Went to watch this movie at orchard
This marks the end of my year 1!
Anw the songs i put at my blog is based on my feelings for the season
Last theme was sorrowed and hurt plus stress
Anw now i change into a more... loving i shall say?
HAHAHA! Btw, gonna to look for a part-time job le
Actually dun really feel like working
but my mother keep nagging me to go find a job and earn some money
Really admire sam, so fast found a job
i still have to rely on jun ying
which will takes some time b4 finding one
i think most probably we will be going for walk-in interview
i think it will be quite impossible to find
But anything is worth a try
You won't know until you try
At least you tried, if it failed....
Gonna to be 18th coming next monday
18th is the key to the silver key
Quite cool, btw feel like celebrating with all of my friends
but i'm afraid that later they say i BHB
Nevermind, going out with my NPCC friends
In the afternoon nia(:
At least, i got to go out during my birthday
Won't be so bored and stay at home like last year
Where i got chickenpox during last year
And not able to go to celebrate my birthday!!!!!
Should i cut my hair or left it there for it to grow
Like long and thick, can be super nice
but scare like ah beng sia
Nvm, should change my hairstyle every seasons
That's what i call POLY life(: