Wohoo! I think can see a few cobwebs hanging around my blog already :P
Sorry readers!
These few days are quite busy for me
Recently went for standard chart marathon
Quite a great experience for me
Common test are also over already
Actually it is more of I'm lazy to blog :P
Yoona is cute right? HAHA!
Screenshot this picture while watching running man this evening :D
Why I didn't go for my Aikido training?
Sorry, interest = 0% now
This is the fact and I don't mind sharing it
Can be blamed on the instructor (:
80% of my interest is gone, because I got disgusted by him during every training
Gosh! Cannot stand him really :/
The another 20% is more on myself, I guess
More of Aikido is not really useful or may not really come in handy
I'm still afraid a group of people will come and wack me for no reason
Even though I learnt Aikido
This is because I didn't apply it in real situation before
Hence, I don't even know whether it works or not
So I was still deciding whether I should take up a second martial art a not
More of can spar one, you know
I want to get the feel of getting hit and able to regain myself after that
I see in Aikido, only the old man is strong
The rest are just... no comment
But I don't think they can really handle large groups
Only old man can...
Oh yes! BTT coming already!
Nearly lost my registration letter, PHEW!~
I'm wondering and thinking and wondering and thinking
Seems like you have interest in me?
Nah! Maybe I think too much already