Thursday, December 23, 2010

Yesterday aikido was fun, but didn't get to see my NYP 'chio bu' during the training...
Which was a bit wasted
Wondering whether if she has quitted aikido or what?
Training ended at 8.30pm, and we went to the 'white house' as usual to get a drink.
Have 2 games of tia ti and decided to go prata house and eat prata...
Finally we reach the prata house and ordered some pratas to eat.
For me, i had one egg, one plain and a teh (which is a must, if u are eating in a prata house)
However, the prata is not up its standard, as it is hard and cold
In addition, the curry is watery and it's not really what i had when i first tried this...
Maybe it is because it is in the night and they are closing shop soon, that why the pratas suck.