Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today was damm fun! Our Comiss teacher releases us at 10:40am when we are supposed to be released during 12pm. Haiz, next week will be our speech and talk again. I hate that the most man! This time i need to cut out articles from newspaper and talk about my views next week. In addition, next week is E-learning day! We are supposed to stay and home and do our work! Why do we need to come back to this stupid Comiss thing. Anw i got 4/5 for my last speech about using alive animals for experiments and research, which was not bad to me(: I don't know whether i can do as well as last time. Hope the best for me(:
 Spent like $30 on my lappy stuffs, brought a new orange mouse and a keyboard protector. I kind of like this protector, good to use. However the mouse is a bit suck, just like the last time i brought the mouse, just having a bit more functions then the last one.
 My arms hurt a lot. Maybe because i played too much dota, i got to stop this! I need to study revising at home or else my grade will be like shit! However, my fingers just can't stop clicking on dota and i waste about like a few hours playing it. When this time can be converted into more useful time and i can do the assignments for next week. Maybe i'm a bit chiong or siao. But i like it this way because the last semester my gpa was 3.45. I was totally shocked because i didn't expect that my grade was that good, due to some reasons. Hence, i got to work hard if i want to go to uni. JIA YOU!