Sunday, October 31, 2010

The First post on my blog

Created a blog because i'm damn bored now! Maybe it is a good thing? Like the first time i created Facebook, i was super de sian... HAHA! i will try my best to master this blog thing or else i'm an epic failure who only knows how to play games and study. Might as well become a study freak rite? Today is Sunday, supposed to be a family day but as usual my family day= stay at home and sleep...kinda have a boring and sad life. But tomorrow got no Aikido, Yes AR! A day off for me to relax after school. Anyway i just downloaded the third album of SNSD! HAHAHAHA! This is so awesome! The songs are great man! haiz... Thinking of tomorrow lesson plans disgust me): 8am-5pm. Like do i really need to study that long?! OK! Time to learn this stupid blog thing!!!!!!
Let's go!!!!!!